Ceainic Muzical

Ceainicul Muzical, conceput de Naoki Kawamoto, contine un fel de flaut controlat electric atasat care permite aparatului sa cante o melodie in locului unui fluierat plictisitor. you gotta be kidding me..

"But Naoki Kawamoto's Musical Kettle turns that annoying whistle into song by putting a sort of flute at the spout. Instead of one high-pitched whistle, you get the song of your choice. But you should still turn the stove off right when it goes off. Just ignore the song, if you can."

We don't date n00bs! We pWn them

Elite parrents ftw!

At last!

Da, stiu la ce va ganditi cand vedeti acest mesaj o.O inca un blog, dar de data asta nu orice blog! Daca o sa va placa, ramane de vazut ! k33p 0n h4xing