Proiectul NASA, Near Earth Object, in prezent are in vedere 145 potentiali asteroizi dintr-o lista de 1062 obiecte mai mari de un kilometru in diametru si 6292 de obiecte descoperite in total. Ce vrea sa insemne asta? Ca exista o gramada de lucruri in spatiu care ar putea sa ne loveasca planeta -- cateva chiar mari.
"So instead of sending shuttle crews up at the last minute to blow an approaching asteroid up, British astronomers at the Astrophysics Research Centre are planning to build a 10-ton "gravity tractor" spacecraft that will influence the object's trajectory. The process would take some time -- a craft would have to be launched 15 years in advance to really have an effect -- but, once the tractor arrives, it'd hover close by an asteroid and gently guide it along a different path."
Ok, NASA, daca tu crezi ca cheltuind atatia bani pe ceva ce s-ar putea sa ne salveze, you fail bigtime!
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